Reduce weight – improve performance
源自维斯比级轻型护卫舰的100%碳纤维船体结构, 我们已经成功地将复合上层建筑概念引入水面战舰市场.
越来越多的人把传感器和武器放在船上, 复合上层结构使船舶设计人员能够减少顶部重量并提高稳定性.
A modern high-tech laminate of carbon fibre is one of the strongest, but lightest, materials known to mankind.
Key benefits:
- Optimized metacentric height, with improved sea-keeping, stability and roll characteristics as a result
- 更少的功率(和燃料)达到合同速度-或更高的速度可以实现,如果应用相同的功率.
- Substantially lower follow-on maintenance and painting costs
- 碳纤维固有地屏蔽了广泛的电磁信号,因此是维斯比级轻型护卫舰惊人的隐身性能的重要组成部分.
Modules, interface and support
The structure can be fabricated in modules, 因此,使模块更容易处理,并使它们能够通过普通货物运输工具运输, to the ship construction site.
A special-developed composite-steel interface has been developed, to facilitate efficient installation by the local shipyard. Saab provides the
necessary training and support to the local yard in the installation process.